When you know the right lawn care contractors with whom to work, you can maintain your lawn with minimal hassle. This is because the professionals will know details like the right professional lawn fertilizer to use depending on your lawn’s specifics. When looking for a professional to hire, try and find one who offers a lawn care package that will fit everything that you need. This may make the whole exercise more manageable for you, ensuring that you can keep the perfect lawn all year long. As a result, you can be sure that you’re going to get much better curb appeal without breaking the bank.

If you’d like to venture into DIY for your lawn maintenance, you could look into things such as the perfect flower lawn seed mix for you. This should be comprised of seedlings that do well in your home’s climate so that it’s not a hassle to get them going and end up with the ultimate lawn. You can also benefit immensely from looking into the various options of fertilizer that are available to choose from. Consult with a professional on the best water-soluble lawn fertilizer and other details like these so that you can be assured of making the right decision.

family friendly lawncareHaving a well-cultivated yard offers many benefits to a homeowner and their family. Firstly, it can up the real estate value of your property tremendously. In fact, landscaping can increase the resale value of your home by 14% and can raise your property value by 12%. Perhaps more importantly, a beautiful, well-cultivated lawn can become an excellent space for your children to grow, learn, and make memories. While the world is certainly broad and vast, there’s no better place for a child to start exploring than their own backyard. From climbing trees to watching earthworms move around in the dirt to listening to birds sing, there’re countless ways for children to explore. They can even learn to identify native plants, as 92% of homes choose to plant species native to their area.

But no parent wants their child exploring a world full of harmful chemicals. To that you’re practicing family friendly lawncare, you have to make sure you abide by a few solid tips. Natural lawncare is not only family friendly lawncare, but it’s pet-friendly and environmentally friendly lawncare, too.

Apply a Safe Fertilizer During the Fall
Before you assume that your lawn needs to be fertilized, check your soil’s level of nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium. Based on your lawn’s level of need, choose a safe and natural fertilizer made from compost, aged animal manure or organic compounds, and apply it during the fall.

Mow Your Lawn Less Often
Many people mow their lawns once a wee. However, mowing your lawn that often will leave harmful gas residue on your grass and yard. These emissions are particularly unhealthy for children, so try to reduce them as much as possible. This is also dog-friendly lawncare, as dogs tend to eat the grass from time to time.

Skip Watering From Time to Time
Make sure to turn off automatic irrigation systems and only water as needed. This environmentally friendly lawncare tactic will save your yard from runoff and will prevent water waste that will ultimately hike up your electric bill.

Now that you know these green lawncare tips, don’t forget to put on sunscreen before hanging out in the sun with your family!

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