When the winter winds are blowing, your roof can sustain damage due to ice or snow. Fortunately, state and local government programs may help pay for roof repair if you experience extensive damage over the winter. In addition, some other programs may assist with temporary fixes to keep your home safe until you can get a permanent repair.
Rhode Island Low-Income Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP)
Although LIHEAP services are targeted at people in danger of having their electricity or heat shut off during the cold months, you could receive one-time emergency assistance for home heating system repairs. This financial assistance comes from the federal government, and it is paid directly to your utility company.
To qualify for help from Rhode Island’s LIHEAP, you must meet income guidelines. In addition, you will need to prove that you are a legal resident or citizen of the United States to receive funding. In some cases, this also means that people who have been convicted of a felony cannot apply for aid until five years after being released from prison.
New Hampshire Home Heating Credit
You may be eligible to receive a credit on your property taxes if you have documented home heating expenses. The amount of the credit is based on your household income level, age, and other factors. In addition, you must be a New Hampshire resident who has filed a state income tax return.
To receive this credit from the Department of Revenue Administration, you will need to submit an application form as well as copies of your original heating bills for the previous year. In most cases, credits are restricted to those individuals or households whose incomes fall below a certain level.
This means that homeowners who have a household with a high income may still qualify for assistance if they pay high home heating costs relative to their total income.
New Hampshire Utility Assistance Program
This program provides emergency financial assistance for people trying to meet heating or utility bills. In addition, they offer emergency grants for various reasons, including a lack of heat or electricity. The aid is limited to those families who have received a shut-off notice from their gas or electric company, and it is paid directly to the utility provider on behalf of the applicant.
To qualify for NHUAP, you must meet specific income guidelines and prove your legal residency status in New Hampshire. The eligibility requirements are based on federal poverty guidelines, and they change each year.
New Hampshire Emergency Assistance Program (EAP)
The EAP can provide cash grants to help New Hampshire residents with medical emergencies, homelessness prevention, and utility cut-offs. This emergency program aims to help individuals most at risk of losing their housing or becoming homeless due to a one-time crisis.
Each applicant will complete an intake assessment when they apply for aid from this government-funded program. All emergency requests are reviewed on a case-by-case basis, so it may take some time before you hear back concerning your eligibility for EAP.
In addition, the program will help those who cannot resolve their roofing crisis on their own or through any other roofing services. Also, it is important to remember that this type of assistance does not carry over from year to year, meaning that if you receive an EAP grant now, you may need to apply again next winter to cover additional roof replacement expenses.
Tennessee Heat Smart Program
This state-sponsored program will help low-income families repair or replace broken heating equipment like furnaces. It can even help pay for insulation repairs that prevent heat loss through the attic flooring, walls, metal roofs, windows, and doors, and lower your heating bills, improve indoor air quality and prolong the life of your heating equipment. But this program is only available in Knoxville, Nashville, and Memphis.
To receive assistance, you must meet specific income requirements as well as prove Tennessee residency. Like the local roofing contractor, the local utility provider will make the final determination as to whether or not you are eligible for aid through the program. It normally takes several weeks before you hear back from them concerning your application.
Winter Protection Plan
If you live in northern Maine, this is a statewide program that may provide financial assistance and grants for homeowners who need home heating repairs during the colder months of the year. In addition, applicants will not have to pay back any funds received under this program, nor do they need to pay out-of-pocket expenses upfront before receiving reimbursement from the state. To qualify, your household income cannot exceed $50,000, and your home must be your primary residence.
In addition, you cannot receive a state energy assistance benefit from the Low-Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP) for this heating season – meaning that the resources need to be exhausted before you can apply for aid through the Winter Protection Plan.
In most cases, the funds are paid directly to contractors, e.g., a roofing contractor company, who complete repairs or installations on behalf of applicants. Hence, if you do not have any cash on hand to meet out-of-pocket costs, it never hurts to ask someone in your family or circle of friends if they can help you with a small loan until your repairs are complete.
Connecticut Energy Assistance Program
This state-sponsored energy assistance program helps low-income families pay heating bills. The application period typically runs from November to April for people whose heat is shut off or at risk of being turned off between October 1st and May 31st.
Households with incomes at or below 150% of the Federal Poverty Level are eligible for aid, including those in subsidized housing. Families with young children, older adults, and people with disabilities may be eligible to receive even more help. The program helps pay heating bills but does not cover repairs or replacement of heaters or roof install.
Nebraska Home Energy Assistance Program
You can apply for help paying winter heating and summer cooling bills, but it typically takes a few months to process an application. The Nebraska Home Energy Assistance Program offers financial assistance for home heating and cooling expenses to income-qualified families. Applicants must meet income guidelines to qualify for a grant through the program.
To apply, you will need your Social Security number and other personal information such as your current energy bill and telephone number. You can complete an application at a local county office or city agency. After you turn in your application form, it takes about three weeks before you hear from someone regarding whether or not you are eligible for aid.
In addition to paying your bills directly each month, the money also pays toward future heating costs that you incur during the winter months, so it helps stretch out what is normally a very limited budget. Participants may be able to receive benefits within three weeks after applying for
Pennsylvania Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP)
This government aid helps low and moderate-income households pay their heating bills during the winter months. Applicants must meet federal poverty guidelines to be eligible for help with paying utility bills.
The amount of money you can get depends on the number of people who live in your household and their ages, as well as the region where you live.
The average benefit ranges between $120 and $340, depending on these factors. The state prepares an estimate that shows what assistance is available based on information provided by applicants during the screening process.
Pennsylvania’s energy assistance program works with other organizations to offer even more help. When combined, this funding may provide extra money, so families pay less than 20% of their total heating bills during extremely cold winter months. The program makes every effort to help eligible families within 30 days.
San Diego County Low-Income Weatherization Program
If the weather has damaged the roof or walls surrounding your home’s windows or doors so badly that breezes are entering through these openings and you have no money for repairs, this could be a potential option for you. This organization may be able to provide free insulation installation services to help lower your energy costs. You may also be able to get free window installation, wall repair, and energy-efficient door installations.
San Diego Low-Income Weatherization Program will attempt to perform all necessary work within six months if funding is available. Weatherization can offer up to $30,000 in services for each qualified household. The organization works with volunteers who are willing to donate their time and skills so families can access these services at no charge.
It would be best if you met government income guidelines to qualify for help with your heating or cooling bills through this program. Also, grants that you may receive from the federal government’s Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP) could affect whether you are eligible for additional assistance with costs. However, weatherizing measures could help free up enough money to use what you need for other expenses such as food and medical care.
Alaska Home Weatherization Assistance Program
This state-sponsored program provides insulation and repairs to homes with low or fixed incomes. You may be eligible for a free weatherization assessment, which will determine the best course of action to help you lower your energy costs.
Typical work that may be done includes insulation installation in attics, walls, and crawl spaces. You can also get weather stripping for doors and windows to prevent the chill from entering your home during the winter months.
Once this program has performed all necessary repairs or updates on your home, you will receive a free energy audit. The auditor will check to make sure everything has been completed successfully.
No matter what housing assistance package you choose, it may help lower heating bills by at least 15%. But regardless of income level, you should never have to make these sacrifices while attempting to get through winter without sufficient money available for your heating and utility bills.
New Jersey Weatherization Assistance Program
Low-income families that meet income guidelines can receive free weatherization services from this state-sponsored program. This organization will work with you to determine the best services that may be available to help reduce your energy costs.
They want everyone in New Jersey to have a safe and affordable place to live, which is why they provide energy efficiency assessments and free installation of insulation or new windows and doors.
New Jersey provides some funding for this program, but it is supplemented by federal grants from the United States Department of Energy (DOE). Families who receive assistance from the program must sign an agreement stating they will remain on good terms with loan companies and landlords if they need help paying rent and utilities on time.
South Dakota Energy Assistance Program
Although this is not an emergency home repair assistance program, it can help families experiencing difficulties paying for their energy costs. The program may provide qualified individuals with grants up to $30,000 for home repairs and other important services, such as insulation installation.
South Dakota offers the program at no cost to eligible applicants through local community action agencies. They partner with volunteers and other organizations to make this an effective service. They also partner with local utility companies like the local roofer.
In conclusion, these programs may not be readily available to residents during the winter months. Yet, the assistance they provide is invaluable to those who require energy bills assistance. Some restrictions apply to each program individually, so be sure to read over the eligibility guidelines very carefully before applying for aid. In addition, you can learn more about these cash grant programs by visiting local social services agencies or calling your regional community action agency. They will have information on additional heating assistance programs in your area, as well as other weatherization options if you need help with home repairs or roofer costs after a severe winter storm.