It seems like common sense. If your air conditioning breaks down, especially in the middle of a hot Arizona summer, you should call an air conditioning repair service. Still, many are slow to pick up the phone. If you’re the only uncomfortable inhabitant, that’s one thing. If you have a pet, however, you have a little more to think about. Calling and air conditioner service becomes far more important if your pet is in danger.
Even after you’ve made he decision to repair air conditioning that’s failed, however, there might be a few days until the AC repair service can visit your home. Here are a few of the Humane Society’s best suggestions for keeping your pet safe and healthy until someone can come and repair air conditioning problems in your home.
- Be aware of humidity.
Until you repair air conditioning in your home, there’s a good chance that it will get quite humid. When animals pant to cool themselves, they’re really reducing the moisture in their lungs. If it’s too humid, however, they’re unable to eradicate excess moisture, sometimes resulting in heat stroke.
- Don’t over-exercise.
To help your pet stay cool, be careful not to provide overly intense or overly long exercise on very hot days. Try to limit sessions to the early morning or evening hours, and be aware that pets with white ears are more susceptible to skin cancer and that pets with short noses sometimes have trouble breathing. Also be cautious that hot asphalt doesn’t burn your pet’s paws. Carry water to help your pet avoid dehydration.
- Consider a window unit.
It’s tempting to try to make do with a fan until someone can repair air conditioning problems. However, fans don’t cool animals as effectively as they cool humans, primarily because animals sweat through their feet. Consider a window AC unit until you’ve had your regular AC unit repaired.
- Provide shade and water.
Any time your pet is outside in very hot weather, make sure he or she is protected with the sun and provided with plenty of fresh, cold water with ice. Instead of a dog house, use tree shade and tarps to avoid obstructing air flow.
- Get creative with your cooling.
The Humane Society offers recipes for peanut butter popsicles that can help your dog stay cool during a heat wave. It also suggests using a cooling vest, wrap, or mat soaked in cool water. If you don’t have one, and if your pet doesn’t find baths stressful, consider giving him or her a cooling bath.
- Recognize an emergency.
Animals who are very old, very young, overweight, not in shape, or who have heart or respiratory diseases are particularly susceptible to heat stroke. If you notice any of these symptoms in your pet, your pet may need treatment:
- heavy panting
- glazed eyes
- rapid heartbeat
- difficulty breathing
- excessive thirst
- lethargy
- fever
- dizziness
- lack of coordination
- profuse salivation
- vomiting
- deep red or purple tongue
- seizure
- unconsciousness
Treat heatstroke by moving your pet into the shade. Apply ice packs or cold towels to the head, neck, and chest or run cool, but not cold water over the body. Provide small amounts of cool water or ice cubes for licking. When the symptoms seemed to have lessened, take your pet directly to a veterinarian.
While you’re waiting for a technician to come repair air conditioning problems, make sure your pets are well-tended. As uncomfortable as the heat can be for you, it may be even worse for your pet. More: coolblew.com