A commercial garage door company in Dallas, TX, is opening doors for people in need this holiday season with the Community First Charity Drive. Throughout December 2020, Neighborhood Garage Door Services has been holding a raffle, which will be ongoing.
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People can enter to win $500. In addition, $500 will be donated on each winner’s behalf to the charity of their choice. At a time when so many are struggling, the possibilities for helping others are virtually limitless, and this is a great opportunity to lend your support to a worthy cause.
Finally, the day arrived to draw the first lucky winner’s name. Associates Brett and Brandon met up at the garage door company’s training facility to see who would get the pre-Christmas surprise.
First, they thanked everyone who has participated in the raffle so far. Brandon then turned the crank of the wheel of names. When it got off to a creaky, squeaky start, Brett quipped that it looked like it needed a little lube and tune from one of their qualified technicians.
The name drawn was Patsy Bates of Dallas, Texas. The pair traveled to Patsy’s home to present the prize in person.
Bearing a bouquet of flowers, balloons with “Congrats” printed on them, and a plaque announcing her as the winner, they knocked on her door. She declared their arrival “perfect timing.” She said she was on cloud nine and had told everyone the exciting news.
Brett and Brandon mentioned that she had chosen St. Jude as the charity slated to receive $500. When she found out she was the winner, she knew immediately where she wanted the money to go. They asked her why she chose the children’s hospital. She said she hated to see children sick, pointing out that when kids are ill, their parents are usually saddled with medical bills. She’s glad St. Jude is there to give kids the care they need and to make life easier for their parents.
Before Brett and Brandon left, they posed for a photo, which Patsy promised to put on Facebook. They thanked her for being a valued customer and for participating in the raffle.
If you want to watch this heartwarming moment, check out their YouTube video. At the end of the clip, there is more info about the raffle and how you can be a part of it.
The commercial garage door company has been providing premier service to Dallas and surrounding areas for more than 20 years. Now, during what has become a difficult time for so many people across the country, they are giving back, getting the community involved in making a difference.