Working with wood is a big thing in the United States. According to the Bureau for Labor Statistics, there are 88,000 cabinetmakers and bench carpenters in the country. All of them have their own views and methods when they use different wood cutting tools.
At the end of the day, different tools have different uses, strengths and weaknesses. That may sound simple but while people recognize this general fact, they often do not know what tool should be used for each project. When used correctly woodworking cutting tools can make cutting wood much less complicated. These tools also increase the accuracy associated with cutting wood and the process is sped up dramatically. The keys are to use the right tool for the job and to be careful when using it.
The Jigsaw:
It is not just a character in a horror movie. The jigsaw is the perfect wood cutting tool for a variety of jobs. It is great for cutting plywood, solid wood, hardboard and even chipboard. You can make curved and simple cuts. This kind of saw is also great if you need to cut timber. Make sure you position the wood on a bench so that the cutting area is clearly marked and visible. This will prevent you from cutting through things you do not want to cut.
The neatest side of cuts made with this kind of wood cutting tool are on the underside of the wood. This is because the jigsaw makes its cuts as the blade moves upward. You should keep this in mind when you are cutting your wood, especially if you are working with solid wood with a melamine or coated surface. The rates of speed are often adjustable.
The Circular Saw:
This is the best wood cutting tool for ply board, MDF, block board and timber. The cuts it makes are direct line cuts. The cut is similar to the cut made by a jigsaw in that the cut is made as the blade goes up and like the jigsaw, the smooth part of the cut will be on the underside of the wood. Make sure when you place your wood on a bench, the cutting area needs to be clearly marked and visible, again so that you do not cut an area that you do not want cut.
The circular saw should have variable chopping capabilities. You should be able to vary the speed and the line of cut indicators. It should have a depth adjuster, a lower guard lift lever that can be removed, a safety switch and dust remover. You can also get different attachments and blades. This is a much more versatile saw than it appears.
The Mitre Saw:
This wood cutting tool is used for all kinds of general purpose joinery. It can be used to shop skirting planks, architraves and rails. If you need a specific angle, this is the best saw to use. It is perfect for titled and angled cuts. This is a saw that does not need to be moved. It is what is called a “fixed saw.” You should take great care when using a mitre saw. It is very easy to injure yourself when using this kind of wood cutting tool.
Clamp the wood tightly when you use this kind of saw. Even the smallest movement of the wood will impact the cut. The result can be a bad joint from a bad cut. If you are going to use a mitre saw, you should use it on a new work table or stand to support the wood you are cutting.
The simplest mitre saw is called a chop saw. This saw is suspended on a hinge above the wood that is going to be cut. You pull the saw directly down towards the wood. You can vary the size of the cut by getting different sizes of blades.
Many people prefer the sliding saw. It has all of the advantages of the chop saw but has a sliding feature so the wood can glide towards the saw.
These are just a few of the wood cutting tool options you have at your disposal.