A step-by-step process is documented in this video to help you build your very own floating dock. The required tools and materials needed to get the job done are all listed. For dock building, tools needed are a measuring tape, an air compressor, a nail gun, a drill, a carpenter square, a hammer, a No. 2 pencil, among many other tools.
The list of materials mentioned in the video includes treated lumber, corner brackets, floats, carriage bolts, framing angles, nuts, and stainless-steel decking screws – again, among many other materials.
The first step the video shows is the framing of the dock. How to place the boards together and measuring the blocks is all demonstrated making it easy to follow and imitate when you build your dock.
Where to place your floats is shown and how to securely fasten them. How to locate where the reinforcing hardware bolts will be drilled into the dock is shown with a look at what the finished application is meant to look like. Thereafter, the types of panels one can use for the dock are talked about and the video touches on the advantages of using the panels used in the video.