Sometimes it is difficult to believe that your oldest daughter is 22 years old. Other times, however, when you walk through your home that is the same age as your daughter, the passing of time is more than apparent. the dated vinyl flooring in the Jack and Jill bathroom your two daughters shared for year in stained in several place, and dated as a while. In fact, as empty nesters you and your husband finally find yourself with the time and resources to begin addressing some of the home updates that have been needed for awhile. From looking at replacing older vinyl flooring with the latest offerings in ceramic tile flooring options you can create spaces that are easier to maintain, as well as add value to your space.
If you live in a home that is dated my older, more difficult to maintain products, then it might be time for you to consider the latest in ceramic tile flooring. With long tiles that look like traditional wood flooring , for instance, you can create a newer space that will allow you to create a more beautiful space that will also add to the overall resale value of your home.
Ceramic Tile Flooring and Other New Decorator Options Continue to Grow in Popularity
Knowing that you are going to be able to get a good return on investment (ROI), there are many times when it simply makes good sense to spend a little more time and money on the upgrades that you make to your home. Even when you can initially look at your home and forget how much time has passed, it is often important to give things a little closer examination to make sure that there are not some things that really need to be taken care of. That chipped floor board in the bathroom that has been so difficult to keep painted and that greyish tint below the surface of the linoleum could be an indicator of a bigger problem. Finding a reliable contractor to give you an estimate on replying that old linoleum with the latest vinyl or ceramic tile flooring options may, for instance, be an indicator of a moisture problem that needs to be corrected before any new flooring is installed.
Interestingly enough, even with all of the available new flooring options like low maintenance vinyl and ceramic tile flooring, there are still many indications that buyers still really like some of the most traditional options. In fact, data from the National Association of REALTORS indicated that as many as 54% of home buyers are willing to pay more for a home with hardwood flooring. Any buyer who purchases an older home and unknowingly uncovers a wooden floor beneath a layer of carpet, in fact, knows the value of such a find. And while it may take a significant amount of money to get that hidden surface back to life, the efforts are worth it.
New homes, however, often rely on more newly developed products to make sure that their home is easier to maintain. For instance, scratch resistant luxury vinyl flooring is an increasingly popular option when it comes to installing a flooring surface throughout an entire home. Vinyl floors, and ceramic tile flooring for that matter, are not the same kind of products that were available two or three decades ago. The latest selections offer a number of colors and textures while providing a surface that is easy to keep clean and difficult to scratch. This combination means that there are a growing number of apartments and other rental properties that are simply installing this kind of flooring option throughout an entire space, instead of going with a combination of carpet and a second surface.
Kitchens and bathrooms are the most common home remodeling projects. Adding substantial value to a home and creating a space that is easier to maintain, home owners are often anxious to look at the lates trends when it comes to adding bother personality and color to these spaces. In fact, according to a 2017 Houzz survey, as many as 71% of home owners who indicated that they were renovating their kitchens, said that part of those changes include upgrading their flooring.