Walk in baths allow a number of advantages for a person who has limited mobility. In fact, by using a walk in bath tub, a greater degree of mobility and independence can be afforded those people who are wheelchair bound. With walk in bathtubs, many people will be able to bathe in privacy for the first time since having limited mobility. This can give people a wonderful boost of independence unlike any they have experienced lately.
Because a walk in bathtub is designed without the lip that contains the water and prevents it from leaving the shower area, a person who is in a wheelchair simply needs to roll their chair into the walk in baths and pull the door closed behind them. Most baths of this nature are equipped with a door that closes tightly enough to prevent water from leaking out onto the bathroom floor. In addition, the floor of the tub tends to slope gently downhill at such small rate of incline, that it drains the water into the center of the tub. Because the incline is so slight, however, most people cannot feel the sloping of the walk in bathtub.